Chef Tunes' |
Favourite Jokes! | |
We were eating in this open-air café when it started raining. It took us an hour and a half to finish our soup. I don't want to panic, but my alphabet soup says, "Forget about me...just try to save yourself." (Tom Wilson) You ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup? (John Mendoza) He found a
great way to eat his wife's soup. He pretends it's mud.
(Milton Berle) She loves to make soup--especially cream of yesterday. (Milton Berle) Everything she cooks turns out tough. Can anyone lend me a soup knife? |
A minister was at a banquet when a careless waiter
dropped a steaming bowl of soup into his lap. The minister
looked around the room with agony in his face and A middle-aged man was
sitting in a truck stop when three mean-looking bikers A guy sat down in a
restaurant and ordered a bowl of bean soup. "I'm sorry,"
the "Good manners: the
noise you don't make when you're eating soup." (Bennett There was once a snail that was sick and tired of
his reputation for being so slow. He decided to get some
fast wheels to make up the difference. After shopping around
a while, he decided that the Datson 240-Z was the car to
get. So the snail goes to the nearest Datsun dealer and says
he wants to buy the 240-Z, but he wants it repainted
"240-S". There once was an
ambitious young waiter who left the Regents Palace Hotel
in Checking the menu, a restaurant customer ordered a
bowl of vegetable soup. The cannibal wiped his
mouth daintily and said, "My wife makes great soup. But Bill and Hillary
Clinton were at a restaurant. The waitress asked Hillary for
her "Waiter, this soup is
spoiled." "Who told you?" "A little swallow." "Waiter, there's dirt
in my soup. What does this mean?" "If you want your The chef tells the waiter, "Push the soup du jour. It's a week old." (Milton Berle) "Waiter, what's that
in my soup?" "I'd better call the manager, sire--I can't
tell "Waiter, what's
this?!" "It's bean soup, sir." "I don't care what it's been.
What is The cook flew into a rage at his new waiter.
"Didn't I tell you to notice when the "Now that fly knows a
good soup." (Milton Berle) What did the mother
ghost tell the baby ghost when he ate too fast? What do you get when
you put three ducks in a box? Why couldn't the
sesame seed leave the gambling casino? Why did the student
eat his homework? What did the hungry
computer eat? Why do fish avoid the
computer? What did the cannibal
order for take-out? How can you tell if an
elephant has been in your refrigerator? I trained my dog not
to beg at the table. How did you do that? I let him taste my
cooking. What's in an
astronaut's favorite sandwich? What do cats call mice
on skateboards? Why do you eat so
fast? What did the
mayonnaise say to the refrigerator? What did the left eye
say to the right eye? Jack: Would you like
some Egyptian Pie? Jack: You know, the kind mummy used to make. "Yessir," repplied the
waiter. "We'll serve just about anybody." What starts with "t"
ends with "t" and is filled with "t"? Why did the man eat at
the bank? What does the richest
person in the world make for dinner every night? What has ears but
can't hear a thing? What's the worst thing
about being an octopus? What did one knife say
to the other? Why did the man stare
at the can of orange juice? How does the man in
the moon eat his food? Did you hear the joke
about oatmeal? Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor,
and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons? "Today's egg is better than tomorrow's hen." "Success comes before work only in the
dictionary." Why wasn’t much fruit allowed in Noah’s ark? What do you call a cow that eats grass? Why did the pig keep driving around the parking
lot? What is the easiest way to catch a fish? How does a farmer move his cows? How does a bull buy his food? What kind of bird is at every meal? What do frogs eat for lunch? Why did the bubblegum cross the road? Where do sheep like to go on vacation? How do chickens save money when they go
shopping? Where to sheep get their haircut? How did the farmer count his cows? What keys are too big to carry in your
pocket? Why did the farmer feed his cows money? Why do cows have horns? Why didn’t the chicken cross the road? What do bears eat? Why do chickens lay their eggs?
What do you get when you cross a hen and a
shark? What do cows read? Where do cows go on vacation? What did the porcupine say when he ate the
Vindaloo? What happens when a dog stays in the sun too
long? Why did the snail want an ‘S’ on his car? What is the difference between a tuna fish and a
guitar? Where do cows go on vacation? When a pig burns himself, what does he put on
it? Why was the cow afraid? What is a ducks favourite snack? Where do touch chickens come from? What do frogs drink? Why did the dog jump in the lake? Where do fish keep their money? What day of the week does a fish hate the
most? What kind of fish is greedy? | ||
"What is
Dracula's favorite soup?" "What does
a dragon eat with soup?" "Waiter,
there's a dead fly in my soup!" "Hey
waiter, this soup tastes like dish water!" "How do you
know?" "Waiter! Is there soup on the menu?" "No, sir, I wiped it all off." "Waiter, I
can't find any chicken in the chicken soup." "Well, you
won't find any Waiter, my plate is wet!" "It's not wet, sir--that's the soup." A man
walked into a restaurant and said, "I'd like a bowl of soup
and a kind
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There are only two
kinds of Soviet soup: Russian shchi, made of cabbages
and Russians say, "We know
that you can turn an aquarium into fish soup; the The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to return soup at a deli. (Seinfeld) "There are two types
of people in this world: shlemihls and shlimazls. A shlemihl
is the person who always spills soup, and a shlimazl is the
person he spills it on. What do you see in a chicken coop? What kind of key will not open a door?
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